What is a worship service like?

We have two regular weekly services

Sunday Mornings start at 9:30a in the main sanctuary. After you grab a spot in the parking lot, walk in the front door and receive a bulletin from one of our greeters. When the service begins we pray, sing, read Scripture, hear the Word of God preached, proclaimed, and taught. We believe the Bible is the inerrant word of God and our supreme authority, so you will hear it prayed, sung, and preached. 

Wednesday Nights start at 6:00 pm. Adults meet in the sanctuary, where we will study and learn the bible in various ways, whether through worship and teaching, or through small group style bible discussion, possibly book or video based. Preschool (3-5 years) will gather in the preschool room for bible teaching and lots of fun! Kindergarten through 5th grade will meet in the old sanctuary for bible teaching and various interactive activities. Middle school and high school (6-12th grade) aged students will meet downstairs in the student room for a mid week gathering consisting of bible study, hang time, games, and sometimes even local church based service projects.


Know that we see the people of God, in specific the local church, as vital part of the Christian's life. With this importance placed as a high priority in the Christian life we see the biblical purposes of the church being fulfilled in fellowship, service, worship, evangelism, prayer, and teaching.

So what you wear doesn't really matter to us. Jeans and a T-shirt? Sounds great. Full suit? We think it looks good on you! Lots of tattoos? No worries. Think you are to sinful too come to church? Not true.

The bottom-line is that you are welcome here. You are welcome to come hear the great truth from God who sent his Son to die in the place of sinners so that they might be reconciled to him. You are welcome to worship God and confess your sin, repent from your sin, and follow him in faith-filled community.

For more info, click HERE to check out our Guest’s Guide!