Happy Father’s Day
Machelle McDowell
June 14, 2024
A precious scripture to pray over your son..(and let’s not forget our daughters).
“May my son be strong and courageous and not fear or be in dread, for it is You, Lord, our God, who goes with him. You will never leave him or forsake him.” Debt. 31:6
A father who knows best knows Jesus. The ultimate role model is God the Father. He has all the things: love, kindness, understanding, patience, wisdom, protection and the list is lengthy.
We learn early on in history that things do not go well for fathers who choose not to follow and submit to God’s leadership. We peep at Adam and quickly see the consequences of disobedience. Great fathers are able to own up to their failures. They learn from them and adversity makes them stronger. Adam pointed blame onto Eve. Both were guilty. Be a man who can say, “I’m sorry, I made made a mistake, please forgive me.”
I stand amazed at Noah’s ability to remain faithful to God when the odds are against him. He was not perfect mind you, but remained devoted. It has been voiced to me that sometimes, men feel they are taken advantage of and not respected for their roles. God is always pleased with faithful men! Guys, you may not receive the accolades you deserve in this life but you have a Father who is keeping track! Noah knew this truth.
Father Abraham had many sons, many sons had Father Abraham….I love this Sunday School song! Abraham did have many sons and was the Father of an entire nation! Abraham’s main weakness as many of us are guilty of was relying on himself instead of God. He learned to trust God for guidance in not only raising his own family but leading a nation! Dad’s you cannot not go wrong being humble enough to realize you need God.
Men! Seeking God’s will for your life will not only benefit you, but will become a pattern for your family. They look to you to be the example for them. What are your children seeing? Do they see a man after God’s heart or do they see a man with a heart for “gods.”
Even David, a man after God’s own heart was sucked into idol worship and mini gods. His main weakness fell in the laps of many beautiful women and their pagan practices. Remain pure gentlemen. Keep your eyes protected from the lures of the enemy.
Satan loves to play on your weaknesses. David repented many times throughout his reign as king for this sin.
There is hope, guys!. Don’t feel defeated when you succumb to such temptations, but rise above them. Examine your hearts often. David himself instructs us in the 91st Psalm that God will deliver you form the snare of the fowler-He will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge.
The common thread these guys mentioned above: They all relied on the steadfast love of God.
CALLING all fathers- Be the father you want your son to become! Be the man you want your daughter to respect. I am praying that from this day forward your eyes are fixed on the one who can give you the desires of your heart.
The void we all struggle with in our lives cannot be filled with money, women, sex, sports, prestige, or respect….only Jesus can fulfill us.
Let your actions be a reflection of the love in your heart for your creator. In His hands a man finds purpose. A godly man is not defined by his possessions but by the richness of his heart.
Happy Father’s Day Men!