Bitterness And Its Minions

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How Can I Escape a Bitter Root?

By Machelle McDowell

Does a bitter root have you enslaved? Where there is bitterness there is no room for forgiveness.Hebrews 12:15- See to it that no one feels to obtain the grace of God; that no “root of bitterness” Springs up and causes trouble and by it many become defiled.

What is this verse saying to us? If bitterness takes root in our hearts and remains, it breeds contamination of our thoughts, deeds, actions, and attitudes. Our spirit is affected! It is like taking a pure glass of water and pouring ammonia into it. It becomes contaminated and not healthy for drinking. 

The living water that resides within the Christian cannot move freely if bitterness is present. The vessel becomes tainted. Bitterness seeps throughout our entire being. It takes on a mind of its own and invites its friends; resentment, anger, pride, and even hate.

How can forgiveness have a chance to filter out such contaminants in an environment of defilement?

Bitterness comes between us and God, therefore becoming an idol! Wow! This is much more serious than we realize.

The spirit must pass through our inward parts. This monster of bitterness that takes residence in our bodies begins to affect our testimony, our personality, and our relationships. Whoa! Pump the brakes! This thing is a snowball that leads to an avalanche of despair that can be stopped!

How to stop the bitterness in one proven step!

Begin to pray for the person that has embittered you! Taking this step is hard, but needed if healing is to take place. If we cannot bring this person’s name before our Holy God and allow Jesus to do the work of healing the relationship… We have a deeper issue. This is the hardest step to take but the most empowering and healing for both parties!

It is impossible to hold a grudge against someone you are praying for every day. 

Take a step further and ask God to turn the bitterness you feel into love for that person. You may feel that is undeserved. We didn’t deserve that kind of love either, did we? Jesus models this forgiveness on the cross!

This is the key that unlocks the prison doors that we have placed ourselves in under the guard of bitterness!

Jonah experienced this kind of bitterness against the Ninevites. In his heart of hearts he could not forgive the Ninevites! He was sure the consequences of their sin would bring demise from our Lord, but to his surprise God loved the Ninevites back into His good graces because of their repentant hearts. 

The Bible never mentions Jonah experiencing forgiveness for the Ninevites nor towards the Lord for the forgiveness shown to the Ninevites. This is a sad legacy to be remembered for.

Bitterness leaves you feeling out of control; so take back control by laying it at the feet of Jesus!  We must be willing to forgive. We forgive because we’ve been forgiven much. 

We don’t have the capability of forgiving others on our own, but God can empower us. Philippians 4:13 shares that promise, “I can do all things through Christ,”  Pray until you feel God melting away the bitterness you have against someone. Lay the bitterness aside so that the gift of forgiveness through the power of Jesus Christ can bring healing.

Bitterness imprisons life; love releases it.

Bitterness sours life; love sweetens it.

Bitterness paralyzes life; love empowers it.
Bitterness sickens life; love heals it.

Bitterness blinds life; love anoints its eyes.

Harry Emerson Fosdick