Don't Grow Weary, Christian

by Brandon Walker

Don't grow weary. When you read that, do you half-smile and shake your head like I did when I wrote it? Galatians 6:9 tells us to not grow weary. But, there's so much more in the next part of the passage. It tells us not to grow weary in doing good. You may think to yourself, "How is it possible to grow weary of doing good? I mean, it's 'good.' Well, it's easy for us to grow "weary" with anything, even good things. Growing weary in doing good as a Christian is something that we will always have as a danger in our lives. Why? Because it's spiritual in nature. Doing good as a Christian is all summed up by loving God and loving others. But we must remember there is an enemy in Satan, our flesh, and the world.
Satan accuses us all day long. He tells us the good we are investing our time and energy in is pointless. He tells us we'll never see the fruits of the labor we commit our lives to through the power of Christ. Our flesh just simply gets tired and selfish. Let's be honest, our flesh is lazy. It thinks about itself. It wants to conserve its energy for its own desires. Your physical mind and body are not your friends. Satan can wreck havoc in our minds and thoughts. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we must learn to master our physical body and mind and not let them direct our lives. Our sinful nature lies in our flesh, and we have to realize that it will fight against the spirit as long as we're alive on this earth. The world tells us to go, go, go. And if you ever stop you're weak, unproductive, and wasting time. Social media lies to us by showing us highlights reel moments of "success" in others lives. We compare ourselves with others, and we will usually never measure up to those lies we believe.
But Galatians 6:9 also tells us we will reap. That is a promise from God. Sometimes God allows us to see some earthly results of growth for His kingdom. We get to see people saved by God through the words of the gospel he gives us to speak. We get to see the faces and tears of gratitude of those that we go out of our way to love and serve. But, even if we don't see those things when we do good, we will have an eternal reward from Jesus when we meet Him face to face in Heaven. So don't grow weary, Christian. Rest in Jesus when needed, which will be quite often. We weren't designed to be able to run this marathon of faith on our own strength. You need His power. Meet with Him daily.
We will get tired. But we can't grow weary. Be encouraged. There is a reward waiting for us.