Be careful who you follow!
Are you walking in the right direction?
By Machelle McDowell
And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, "This is the way, walk in it, when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left”. - Isaiah 30:21
I pulled out of my driveway this morning and headed down our street on my way to work only to realize everything looked blurry and I couldn’t see clearly!
It only took me moments to realize I had failed to put in my contacts nor did I have my glasses on! I was definitely going to be directionally challenged if I didn’t go back and better prepare for my day!
How many times do we leave out in the early morning hours not having a clear direction for our day because we failed to use our spiritual eyes and ears to guide us down the path that God has ordained us to travel?
Proverbs 16:9 instructs us that, “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.”
Being in God’s word in the mornings is such a blessing to me and serves as a roadmap not only for my day, but my life!
Seeing God’s word,hearing his voice, and letting my heart dwell on Him empowers me for whatever the day may hold.
As children we played a game called, “Follow the Leader,” most times than not the things that the leader had us to do were fairly easy… But when the things began to become harder we didn’t wanna play anymore. Isn’t that true of our Christian walk?
What does it look like to follow the Leader? Jesus said pick up your cross and follow me.
Sometimes the road we travel is not easy! We encounter bumps along the way and sometimes we head in the wrong direction altogether. It Feels like we are living in a blur! There’s nothing worse than feeling lost!
We cannot possibly carry our cross and follow Christ if we don’t even know what that actually means? If we have no sense of spiritual direction.
It is hard to follow a road that you cannot see clearly. We must study the roadmap! But, not only must we study….We must follow it!
If I am taking a road trip and I have studied the map backwards and forwards, but I decide to take another route anyway, it is not going to end well for me!
I think sometimes as Christians we have the studying part down, but we’re not too good at the following part. It is hard to follow a road that you cannot see clearly. And in order to see clearly The road God has prepared for us to travel, we must take what we know and apply it to our life.
It is probably safe for me to say that I have completed over 100 Bible studies in my lifetime. But, if I never apply any of it to my daily life, what good is it? What have I gained other than a head knowledge?
Are you tired of walking with Christ in a blur? Not having a clear vision as to His directions for your life. Do you want to hear God say, “This is the way walk in it?”
See through the eyes of Jesus! Listen for His voice! Let your heart be in the rhythm of His! Be careful who you follow. Seek a clear direction.
Apply the knowledge you have learned from his word and let the holy spirit be your road map. Let him show you the direction daily that God has purposed for you.