From A Distance

Machelle McDowell


Luke 22:54-62

What happens to the Christian when we follow Christ from a distance? Peter would probably have much to say about this question as vs 59 points to Peter following from a distance.

Can you even begin to imagine the brokenness Peter felt when the screeching sound of a cock crowing pierced his ears and his heart simultaneously?

But, it was the sound of the rooster that changed the trajectory of his life. It prompted him to realize he had stepped away from Christ! So, what brought Peter from being a follower to leading the church after Jesus ascended to heaven?

Let’s go back in time for a moment. Place yourself standing around the fire warming yourself with the zealots that wanted Jesus dead. And then, it happened!

Peter’s denial began. Why? Because, at that moment he was following Jesus from a distance.

When we follow Jesus from a distance, it makes it difficult for us to stand firm on our faith and be bold in times of suffering. We question God when things are in disarray and sometimes we even get angry, drop out of church, turn away from Godly friends, why?

If we would only reflect on the here and now…most times we would realize, we are following God from a distance. It’s called a slow fade. We begin by slipping out of church gatherings, spending less time or sometimes no time in His word, and blame shifting for our situation we are in.

Ouch! Tough morsels of truth to chew on? We expect God to act on our behalf and are surprised when He does not. When we are the ones that have stepped into the distance; He has not moved.

Peter found himself so far from God that he was afraid to claim Jesus out loud. He wanted to be just one of the crowd and not a follower of Jesus at that moment.

Peter fell into the trap of hanging out with the ungodly and it felt comfortable to him. He found warmth and comfort from the very people who wanted Jesus dead, what??

How did this even happen? Peter even began to curse an swear to try to fit in with the ungodly. He went from faithful follower to a coward? Sound familiar?

How often do we go to the wrong source for comfort when our lives are topsy turvy? Not necessarily people…. sometimes old habits, addictions, etc. Sometimes, we look for answers in a bottle, on social media, drugs, and the list goes on. All could be avoided…..a simple fix.

God says, “Seek my face and I will hear and forgive and heal you!” “If you seek Him, he will be found by you,” (I Chronicles 28:9). We are never too far away that we are out of God’s reach.

We cannot hear from God if we are following Him from a distance. Peter realized this. A simple screech from a rooster brought conviction to his heart and suddenly his eyes were opened and he realized he had stepped away from the very hope that changed his life.

But, there is hope. Step toward him and not away from him. Peter did. From that day forward where do you find Peter in scripture? He is found leading the church. He is heard speaking boldly the gospel. He is seen being the hands and feet of Christ.

Have you wandered away from Christ and don’t know how you got there? Turn around! Go back! Meditate on the day you surrendered your life to Him. Follow Him!

One of my favorite hymns: I Will Follow Jesus.

Anywhere, everywhere, I will follow on!

Follow! Follow! I will follow Jesus!

Everywhere He leads me I will follow on!