Songs From the Soul


Songs From the Soul

By Machelle McDowell

“Music drives away the devil and makes people happy”

Martin Luther King

We find in the book of Psalms one of the greatest biblical leaders and a man after God’s own heart whose love for music gave birth to one of the most referenced writings in the Bible, David.

As did David, music has a way of piercing into the deepest  parts of our souls.. It helps us to express ourselves and respond to God in a way that is pleasing to his ears and brings glory to his name, even if you can’t carry a tune in a bucket! 

There are over 1000 verses in the Bible that reference music and the power of song. Singing about  the precious name of Jesus sears the very ears of the enemy who prowls around like a lion in attempt to defeat God’s people. 

The power that comes from the soul through a song can defeat armies! Really

Check out 2 Chronicles 20:21! God placed singers in the front line of a battle! We find in this chapter, King Jehoshaphat places singers, (not soldiers), charging the front line with songs of victory! Prior, God assured Jehoshaphat the victory was already won! 

So, Jehoshaphat charges the enemy with songs of Thanksgiving. God gives us spiritual songs as an effective tool to use against the enemy.

Ephesians 5:19- Addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your battles may not be like the armies that came against Jehoshaphat. Your attackers may be in the form of anger, depression, loneliness, addictions, fear, and on and on! 

Put a song of praise and worship in the forefront of your mind and in the depths of your heart. And when these attackers come against you... begin to sing!! 

Allow the Holy Spirit to heal your heart and mind with the anointed words that the spirit brings forth from the depths of your soul through hymns of worship!

Need more proof? Paul and Silas are found in the book of Acts16:24-26. 

They have been severely beaten and thrown into prison. About midnight they were praying and singing hymns to God and the prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly, there was a great earthquake and the doors of the prison was opened and everyone’s bonds  were unfastened! The jailer found Jesus that night! 

Gods spirit was present in that singing that night! That singing wooed the heart of the jailer into the very presence of our Father!! 

“Then sings my soul, my savior God to thee, how great thou art, how great thou art!”