Hummingbird Syndrome

To be Free is to be Free Indeed!

Hummingbird Syndrome

By Machelle McDowell

October 4, 2022

Recently I was fascinated by the fact my grandson, Bray caught a hummingbird in his hands that was trapped in the garage and set it free! I would love to hold a hummingbird!! I am one of their biggest admirers, LOL

We jokingly call Bray, “The animal whisperer!” Since he was a toddler, he has an uncanny ability to connect with insects/animals. He could catch bumblebees and they would not sting him. When he was two he was fascinated by flies and was able to catch them in his hand!

Then, he graduated to creatures such as snakes! It was not cute any longer! I kid you not! My family will attest that these stories are true!

I could envision this little bird flapping its wings as fast as it could but unable to fly out! The feeling of anxiousness and fear would be overwhelming. The feeling of being trapped. Have you been there? I have. Anxiety can make you feel trapped in multiple ways.

This sweet little hummingbird did not have the common sense to fly out of the open door at the rear of the garage. It was determined to do it the hard way!

Thinking about this trapped hummingbird reminded me of how people are not much different. Many times we are prisoners of our own choosing. We actively ignore God’s way out! He has the answer!

Sometimes, we complain and whine about our circumstances and/or situation, but we never fly towards the light; the light that could show us the root cause of our frustrations. Light brings darkness into focus.

Like the hummingbird we act out of instinct and sometimes that gets us into trouble. It is easier to stay trapped inside the garage than to have the truth exposed by the light. The truth may be something we don’t want to face?

In the book of John, chapter 8:32 says it best, “It is the truth that sets us free.” Scripture teaches us to not be anxious about anything!

Philippians 4:6-7 “Don’t be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Like the hummingbird, we are quick to dodge. They are so fast and can fly in any direction instantly… that not us?  We dodge the root cause of why we feel imprisoned in the first place. Why do I feel anxious?

Sometimes, it is by choice. Sometimes, it is by circumstance. Grant it, there are situations out of our control, but I want to focus on the open garage door!  The situation where we can be set free if we only choose to be.

Do you want to hear some truths about anxiety? This is something I have learned recently. One cause of anxiety is rolled up into one big ball of negative emotions!

Sometimes anxiety is brought on by negative emotions we are harboring. Did you realize that? I did not.  For example: Unforgiveness is brought on by some of these negative emotions: bitterness, resentment, hatred, fear, anger, a lengthy list, right? All of these are intertwined! It is a huge snowball effect that can cripple us!

Unforgiveness is toxic. When we hang on to past hurts it only makes us miserable, selfish, and blame others for the way we are because of the way we were treated.

But, listen to how powerful its counterpart can be:

Did you know, forgiveness is an emotion-focused coping process that can promote both physical and mental health? Seriously? No wonder God emphasizes in His word the importance of forgiveness. It can literally set you free!

Here is the morsel of truth that spoke to me and brought on healing in my situation, I hope it is helpful for you: “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. Strain forward to what lies ahead.”  Wisdom from Paul- Philippians 3:13.

God does not want us to dwell on past hurts. He wants us to focus on his plan for us which is ahead. We cannot do that if our hearts are filled with negative emotions.

Our instincts tells us to put up a wall for protection but our spirit tells us to be vulnerable. Let your guard down. Love people even though there is a high probability they will let you down.

We certainly let our Lord down everyday, don’t we? He just keeps on loving and keeps on forgiving and showing grace. His garage door stays open 24/7. Aren’t you tired of feeling trapped? Overwhelmed? What is causing your anxiety?

Let His hands cup you and guide you towards the light….like Bray held the little hummingbird and set him free. Be set free. I think it’s time we fly towards the light….don’t you?