Pure In Heart

Matthew 5:8 “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.”

Do you want to see God?

I resolved at the beginning of the year that I was going to try to memorize the sermon on the mount found in Matthew:5. Each time I read this passage, it tenderizes my heart to the point where I am humbled beyond what I can bear.

I want these blessings known as the beatitudes imprinted upon my mind and heart so that I can be reminded of the message Jesus tenderly spoke to His disciples.

In the midst of my resolution I have found myself encamped upon verse eight, “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. I set out on a journey to fully understand the meaning of this verse. How do you become pure in heart? I feel strongly that it is a byproduct of Matthew 22:37-39. “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your mind.”

This is the great and first commandment. And second is like it: you shall love your neighbor as yourself.

I truly believe that the condition of our hearts determine whether or not we see God in our

fellowship with Him.

You might say, “No one has seen God!” I am not speaking of the physical realm. I am speaking

in the spiritual realm.

The pure in heart can capture the very essence of God. A pure heart can see God in nature, in scripture, and in and through the church family. In the everyday events of our lives his hand is ever present! The pure in heart receive the most wonderful reward!!

We either love God or we don’t! Loving Him is acting like him. Revelation 3:16 speaks of the lukewarm Christian being neither hot nor cold. God gives a grave warning in this verse, “I will spit you out of my mouth.” He desires his followers to be pure in heart.

If we love Him in the way we are commanded, our hearts will be pure in that we admit to His

presence and Awe.

  • We experience His glory!

  • We give life to his hands and feet on earth.

  • Our words are gentle and filtered before spoken.

Our life is an offering to our Lord and presents a sweet aroma before His throne.

  • A pure heart is free from deceitfulness and it does not choose the world over God.

  • It is humble and meek.

  • A person with a pure heart will live to be an example inviting to others and not an obstacle of discouragement.

Wow! I have learned much about the pure heart. I Cannot produce it on my own. Only through the spirit of the Lord is a pure heart made possible! And only by loving Him with all of my heart, and with all of my soul and with all of my mind and by loving others the way Christ loves me (and you) will produce a pure heart.

“A pure heart may get hurt many times but it never loses its purity because the light inside it always shines brighter than the fire outside it. (Souvik)