A Invitation of Love
By: Machelle McDowell
Isaiah 43:1- But now thus says the LORD, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.
Have you ever received an invitation in the mail that you weren’t quite excited about accepting?
That happened to me! I reluctantly accepted an invitation that changed the trajectory of my life! It didn’t come by mail, but by a male!
I received an invitation from Jesus through a human vessel, named Charles Miller 36 years ago! Say What?? Yes, this is my story!
God reached out to me and I took my redeemer’s hand through an invitation to go to church!
When I came to know God I was not looking for Him, he was looking for me. He physically used another human being, Charles Miller to pursue me by showing his love in an unexpected way.
Charles and a few other Godly men would go out each week and visit people that the church had been praying for. In my situation, it was for salvation.
Charles Miller is one of the most dedicated, humble, Christian men I have ever known. He and his wife, Brenda have been role models for my family and continue to be to this day.
Charles offered an invitation to come to church and hear the gospel. An Invitation that I did not (really) want to accept, but I did, I went.
Even though it was the wrong motive, I went to church! But, only thinking by my going would stop the Saturday morning visits, LOL! It did, but not for the reasons I originally intended.
To my surprise, I would later praise and worship not only with Charles and Brenda but with my other new-found Church family as well! The Saturday visits turned into a lifetime of discipleship with a group of people I adore!
Accepting that invitation changed my life forever! I not only accepted the invite to church, but I accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior of my life.
I heard the truth about who Jesus is! He is much more than a “Get-out-of hell“ pass. I learned that He loves me and that He died for me. He shed His blood as a ransom for my sins. My sins are forgiven and remembered no more. He not only died for me, but He lives!
He conquered death and is in heaven preparing a place for all saints to be with Him forevermore! No worries, no pain, no sickness, and no death! What a valuable invitation!
Jesus has an invitation for you today! He is saying, “Come and be a part of the family you were created to be in.”
Accept this invitation to a life changing event! Salvation!