The Wicked Web We Weave

The Wicked Web We Weave

By Machelle McDowell

October 13, 2022

2 Kings 12 & 2 Chronicles 24

Before this sticky web is weaved, let’s rewind just a bit and get a handle on some of the threads that created this tragic story that led Joash to his final lair….assasination?

Joash’s father Ahaziah was king of Judah. He was killed by the king of Israel, Jehu.

Athaliah, who was the mother of Ahaziah evidently a heartless opportunist, (we will call her the black widow), killed off all of the royal family line that she could find in Judah in order to secure the throne for herself! Wow! What a bloodline.

There was one saintly relative in this brood, Aunt Jehosheba. Aunt Jehosheba took baby Joash and hid him in the temple from his grandmother! The “black widow” had a  sister that demonstrated grace and rescued young Joash and his nurse. The threads in the life of Joash were being weaved from the very beginning of his life.

Joash remained hidden for (6) years and was basically raised by a Godly Priest, Jehoiada.  When Joash turned 7, Jehoiada revealed him to the captains of the guards.

Why the age of 7? The Bible does not elaborate. Maybe, the priest could not take the behavior of the black widow in charge any longer?  Jehoiada brought Joash out into the public and anointed the rightful king of Judah. The captains of the guards were instructed to protect the temple and the king at whatever cost.

What happened to Mamaw? It did not go well for her. She was furious to say the least and accused them all of Treason. But, at the hand and guidance of Jehoiada, the black widow was captured, removed, and killed.

The people were so happy to hear the news. Apparently, Mamaw was not liked very well and led Judah down a pathway of idol worship. Idol worship was the first priority that Jehoiada addressed with Joash, (and I am sure he had advisers to help out with decision making).

Jehoiada, the Priest made a covenant with the Lord, the king (Joash), and the people that they would tear down the temple of Baal and that they would be the Lord’s people.

The webs of our lives in which we live are woven together by life experiences and choices made along the way. Joash was blessed to have been raised by a Godly man who instilled a fear of God and mandated worship and praise to a living God before him.

So, when entertained by the idea of tearing down the temple of Baal….Joash does not hesitate to comply at the ripe old age of (7) based on the instruction of a man he trusted and respected….Listen carefully as this thing begins to unravel! How quickly we can be deceived!

Long live the king! Joash became king at age 7. He reigned as king for 40 years. He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord all those years until Jehoiada died. His mentor and Godly friend was gone!  What does this say about Jehoiada?  What does this say about who and what influences us?

Joash’s life took a bad turn after his mentor passed away. He began to listen to wicked advisers and soon was entangled in the web of idolatry once again!  He revived Baal and Asherah worship in Judah! How does this happen to us? How do we find ourselves encapsulated in our own webs we weave? Joash took his eyes off of God and things he knew in his heart about God.

God loved Joash. He tried to get his attention! He sent prophets to warn him. Joash did not listen. His heart was hardened against the things of God. Has this happened to you? Are you in the midst of a deadly web of deceit, right now? Are you listening to the lies of the enemy and being lured into a deadly web?

Finally, one last attempt. How could Joash say “no” to his mentor’s son, the prophet Zechariah? God sends Jehoiada’s son to Joash. Surely he can get through to him?

I can only imagine that Joash probably spent a lot of time with Zechariah growing up? Knowing that Zechariah was brought up with the same beliefs as the man who raised him. The same young boy with a heart eager to please his mentor and his God now carries out the same evil his grandmother displayed years prior. Is it true the apple does not fall far from the tree?

The prophet Zechariah, son of the Jehoiada brought God’s word to Joash, but the king callously ordered the son of his old friend to be stoned to death!! What??

Joash sealed his on death that day.  His reign did not end well. His own officials conspired against him and had him assassinated! I can only assume it was his demonstration of leadership that reflected that of his grandmother years prior?

His second sin weighed heavier than his first, not listening to God’s prophets. He was given a second chance to repent. Ironically, Zechariah was murdered in the same place where his father Jehoiada had anointed Joash King, (2 Chronicles 23:10-11).


Spurgeon said it best, “ All that Joash had done was to give his heart to Jehoiada, not to Jehovah.  It is very easy to be outwardly religious by giving your heart to your mother, or your father, or your aunt, or you uncle, or some good person who helps you to do what is right. You are doing all this out of love to them, which is at best but a very secondary motive. God says,

My son, give me thine heart.”

What a tragic end to a life that could have changed the kingdom of Judah for God.

Friends there are (4) types of spider webs, funnel web, tangled (cobb) web, sheet web, and orb web. Which one are you designing your life more like?

The funnel web- This web is appropriately named as it is shaped like a funnel. Are you funneling your life into God and others?

The tangled web- This web is found in the dark unused spaces in your house. Are you getting tangled into the ways of the world that are dark and hidden that are hindering you from being all God wants you to be?

The sheet web- This is a dense web that is hard to see through. Are you living a life in which you don’t know the difference between what’s right and what’s wrong anymore?

The orb web- The circular shaped web that resembles a wheel leading from the center to the outer edge. Is your life centered on God in a way that it is penetrating outward and touching those around it?

What can we take away from this story?

  • Surround yourself with Godly people.

  • Don’t take your eyes off of the Lord.

  • Stay firmly planted in your faith through intentional study of God’s Word.

  • Imprint Romans 12:2 on your mind and heart- Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Praying for you, friends!