Meology or Theology?

Meology or Theology?

By Machelle McDowell


I was listening to an interview recently of Daniel Lawrence Whitney AKA “Larry the Cable Guy.” He is a well know stand up comic who does not shy away from sharing his faith with an audience. He made mention of a term I had never heard before, “Meology.”  He made reference to our society today and how everything revolves around me, me, me.

Little did I know, meology is a real thing! Meology is a theology that is only me-deep…. (me) being the focus and God second. Sound familiar?

Even our greatest attempts to love God are weak in comparison to His love for us. Have you ever noticed when we point up to Jesus we have (3) fingers pointing back at us? We can’t help ourselves!

It is very difficult to tame the selfish nature within us to put God first instead of last. The biblical order of things: God first and others second….where does that put me?

Someone once said, “Put God first and you will never be last.”

“As God is exalted to the right place in our lives, a thousand problems are solved all at once.”-A.W.Tozer

Theology summed up, means the study of concepts of God. Sounds simple, right? Like most things we make it complicated by adding in our feelings, opinions, and emotions. Suddenly, it becomes more of meology.

A true theologian studies the Bible for what it is- 2 Timothy 3:16-17 “All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.listen to this next verse “that the man of God man be complete, equipped for every good work.

It is not about what we think or feel it should be or say. We are all guilty of putting God in a box he just doesn’t fit in!

We lean on the side of heresy when we twist the truths in the Bible into a different meaning to justify a sin or a behavior that is evident in our lives….Meology.

If the Bible is meant to train us in the way of righteousness it is not always going to be about “feel good” passages but scriptures that cut away the unhealthy parts of us that prevent us from being all we can be.

Blaming God for my failures/weaknesses is like blaming my mixer when my cake flops. They are both examples of my own doing! Theology is meant for us to study the scriptures and to know God and His will for our lives. 

Theology is a beautiful thing when we focus on the “Thee” and not the “me.”

A Great Cloud of Witnesses

This week, one of our longest standing members of South Fork Baptist went home. On Monday afternoon, Ray Mcdowell went into the presence of Jesus.  While Ray left behind a loving wife and family, we all rejoice.  Why do we rejoice?  Well, to say that Ray's life was an exemplary model of the Christian faith would be an understatement.  Ray simply lived a life that required no one to ask him if he was a child of the Most High or not.  It was more than visible in everything he did and said.  He was unwavering in his faith, even in the midst of trials, sickness, and surgeries.  To sit and talk with Ray about his life and life experiences should be something that I wished everyone in the world could have had a chance to do. Ray talked about his life, but not just to talk about himself.  He would share with you wisdom from living, whether you wanted to hear it or not.  There was gold sprinkled throughout any conversation you had with him.  You just had to listen, and he would share things of the faith with you in a way that changed you.  Ray was a hard worker his whole life, even after retirement. He found purpose in everything.  Ray was most proud of his marriage and how long Ms. Yvonne put up with him, as he would tell it.  One of his most well known pieces of advice to many was, "Some days, you will stand alone on your convictions, and no one else will back you.  Don't give in. Stand firm in those convictions."  Now, it sounded so much better coming from Ray. One day, he told me I was going to make a "fine preacher", as he said it. He told me he could always tell how well a man would do in ministry by simply getting to know the man's wife. And, as he said, I would be just fine.   The wisdom I was fortunate enough to get from him during our many visits are things that I won't forget for the rest of my life.  Ray used to love to run.  Like, marathon run.  The longer the distance, the better.   And on this past Monday, Ray finished the race that was set out before him by our Heavenly Father.  And you know what?  He finished well.  And because he finished well, we can rejoice.  Ray would tell you he wasn't perfect.  But he was covered by the blood of Jesus, and God saw him as perfect and righteous.  Ray will undoubtedly receive the crown of life.
     In Hebrews 11, we read what is commonly called the "Hall of Faith."  It's a non exhaustive list of saints we read about in the Bible that endured because of their great faith.  Faith was the highlight of their lives.  At the beginning of chapter twelve,  we are told we are surrounded by "great cloud of witnesses."  This simply means we have had many go before us that have lived a life worth modeling. Their life is a witness.  It's a life that, when we take time to listen to stories about that person, we quickly understand that faith was their key to success in all they did. These "witnesses" encourage us when life gets hard, because we can remember how they endured to the end and finished well.  Ray looked to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of his faith, and finished well.   We are then encouraged to lay aside every sinful thing that clings to us so closely and weighs us down.  And, then we're told to run the race.  We're told to run the race with endurance. It's not a sprint.  It's a marathon.  And sometimes, this marathon called life makes us weary.  It can even make us doubt our purpose and calling.  It can make us doubt everything.  But then we remember. We remember the "witnesses," like Ray.  And we are encouraged and strengthened. We see the glory of God in their lives, and remember how they endured to the end.  Ray's wisdom will be sorely missed, as well as his presence. But his witness still lives on with us. He left behind not only a church family that will miss him, he left behind a legacy of modeled faith. And when our race is over, brother and sister, we should do well to finish like Ray, and have the rock solid hope of being in the presence of Jesus, just like he is today.  

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Ray. 

-Brandon Walker

Barely Saved or Saved to Bare?

Are you living your life as if you are barely saved?

Barely Saved or Saved to Bare?

By Machelle McDowell

I John 2:28- “And now little children, abide in him, so that when he appears we may have a confidence and not shrink from him in shame at his coming.”

What a profound thought, “barely saved or saved to bare?” It is amazing when you put a play on words just how quickly they can come to mean something totally different.

The definition of bare is: (of a person or part of the body) not clothed or covered. Hmmm. Then, there’s this definition: uncover (a part of the body or other things) and expose it to view. You are wondering where is she going with this?

Can you be barely saved? The answer is no. But, the reality is, we act like it. We live like it. We don’t bear the fruit that is commanded of us to bear. We act as if we have not been covered by Jesus’ grace and clothed in his spirit.

We gamble with our salvation.  How little can I do to make it to heaven? How far can I wander away from the shepherd and still be considered part of the flock?

Some treat Christianity like a lottery ticket. How little can I put into it and hit the jackpot?

He Is coming back friends! My heart breaks for those who do not abide in Him. I have many friends and family that I dearly love that claim to be saved but act like they are barely saved. They rest on the assurance of knowing Jesus’s name but do not abide in the relationship. There is a big disconnect between head knowledge and heart knowledge.

Oh Christian, I cringe to think of standing before our Holy God at his coming and shrinking in shame from him because of the disappointment I brought him due to acting like I was barely saved.

I want to stand before Him and bask in his glory and hear Him speak the words, “Well done good and faithful servant.”

Paul speaks of a confidence in Him! How do we find it? It is found in three little words, “abide in him.” What does that look like?

Paul simple states the truth in I John 3:6- “No one who abides in him keeps on sinning.”

Oh, and by the way, when you are truly abiding in Christ, you will experience love and forgiveness in a whole new light.

When we abide in Him we suddenly realize that we are saved to bare! We are to expose our Christ to the world not be of the world.  We become bearers of His name and His gospel:

  • We look like him

  • We think like him

  • We act like him

  • We desire to be a child of God and work towards righteous living.

Does it not challenge you to want others to look at you and witness Jesus abiding in you and you in Him; for them to see our sweet Father in you and to hear them say,  “I want what she has?”  “I want to be more like him or she looks just like her father!”

The greatest compliment a person could receive is one in which a Christian has been deemed to act like his or her father, JESUS!

You see Christian, when we abide in Christ we are looking forward to His coming and we are ready at all times. We enjoy Christian fellowship and worshipping with one another. We certainly do not find joy and contentment in dabbling in the things of the world, instead we practice righteousness.

Friends you cannot be barely saved. You either are or you’re not. It is time we stop living like we are barely saved and live out our calling upon our lives as Christians…we are saved to bare!

I love the book of I John!

Thankful for Another Day of Life

2 weeks ago I was in some of the best physical shape of my life, thinking myself relatively young, full of life, and far from death at the age of 42.

1 week ago everything changed.  Suddenly I found myself barely able to limp into the next room.  I soon discovered that I had a massive deep vein thrombosis blood clot in most of my left leg.  Unfortunately that large clot sent many smaller blood clots into both of my lungs (pulmonary embolisms).  I could have easily died. Now I feel like I have aged thirty years overnight.

Psalm 90:12 “So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.” (ESV)

Today, I am simply grateful to be alive. Here are some lessons the Lord has taught me from my near death experience.  I hope you find them helpful too!

James 4:10 "Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you.”

We need to humble ourselves. Proximity to death reminds us of our fragility and the shortness of our lives. Brushes with death show us that God and the world do not need us; life will go on without us. Near death experiences teach us the seriousness of our sin and the importance of prioritizing Jesus above all else.

2 Corinthians 13:5 “Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves.”

We must be prepared for eternity. Heaven is real, but so is Hell.  We need to examine our faith through the Bible and ensure that we are true followers of Jesus and not just giving Him our lip-service.  The book of 1 John is a helpful way to test and see if our lives evidence a saving relationship with God. If you died today, would you spend your eternity in Heaven or Hell? Are you sure?

Matthew 7:21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.”

We ought to always be prepared to die. Is your “house” in order?  We need to have peace with the people in our lives in such a way that we wouldn’t depart with any regrets. Is there anyone you need to ask for forgiveness? Is there anyone you need to forgive?  Is there anyone you need to talk to? Someone you need to speak love into? Some instructions or information you need to share? Some things that need to be fixed up or repaired? We need to have our lives in order so as to not leave an unnecessary burden on our loved ones.

2 Kings 20:1 “Thus says the LORD, ‘Set your house in order’”

We should live in gratitude. Every day of life is a gift. Praise God and thank Jesus for your many blessings. Stop complaining. Be content. Think about Lazarus, who died and was raised to life again by Jesus.  He lived with purpose and courage with his new life, proclaiming the Gospel and seeing souls saved in the face of danger (John 12:9–11).  How many times has the Lord protected you? Provided for you? Spared your life?  Let’s live in gratitude to Jesus with purposed boldness and love!

James 1:17 “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above”

We can live and die in peace. Worry cannot add an hour to your life, a dollar to your bank account, or an ounce of joy to your life. While we can take precautions, eat healthy, and exercise well to aim for a longer and better life, we have no guarantees.  Let’s make the most of every day the Lord gives us. Reevaluate your priorities. Say no to lesser things. Create margin to say yes to better things.  Put Jesus first. Read or listen to your Bible.  Be in church every Sunday.  Love your family well. Trust God’s timing and manner of bringing you home to Him in eternity.

Matthew 6:27 “And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?”

None of us have a guarantee of long life; we need to be ready today to meet our Lord now. Remember that each day is a gift.  May the purpose of our lives be to live for Jesus, knowing with confidence that the day of our death will be great gain in Christ (Philippians 1:21).  Let’s live in daily gratitude to God, prioritizing our relationship with Jesus above all else.

2 Corinthians 5:9 “So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please him.”

Halloween (Part 2): the Paranormal

by Jonathan Carl

Much of Halloween is focused on what some might call the “paranormal,” or supernatural themes, objects, activities, and beings. So what is the paranormal? Should I be scared? Is it real, or is it all fake and pretend?

Some paranormal “occurrences” are nothing but fraudulent hoaxes. Yet some paranormal activities are very real and spiritually significant.

1 John 4:1 “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God” (ESV)

Are ghosts real? Can my dead relatives come back to talk to me? What about familiar spirits and spirit guides? Can a place be haunted? Is it wrong to talk to or hunt ghosts? Is it wrong to go to haunted houses?

Any real “ghost” sightings or hauntings are actually disguised demons trying to gain your attention and affection. They either want you to 1) be afraid of their powers, 2) be self-confident in your abilities, or 3) be distracted from God by being absorbed into whatever experience they are presenting. Avoid the temptations of these experiences and flee from their evil.

2 Corinthians 11:14 “even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light”

What’s the one sure-fire thing I can do to survive paranormal attacks? (FYI: Don’t miss this!)

Real “paranormal” activities and beings are clearly demonic when they fail to accurately point to Jesus and His biblical truth, love, and righteousness. The only way to survive such paranormal attacks is by repenting of sin and being born again with saving faith in Jesus Christ.

Christians, if you ever come under paranormal/demonic attack, there is only one strategy for success. Don’t try to fight these spiritual battles in your own power, seek Jesus and His truth. Repent from sin. Walk in righteousness. Renew your mind with His truth (Romans 12:1-3) and “take every thought captive to obey Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5).

James 4:7–8 “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”

"Study Satan’s tricks, and acquaint yourself with his tactics." William Gurnall
What is evil? What is good? How can I know what is true and what is false? Which is the best book on this topic? Who is the best person to talk to on this topic?

There is a spiritual battle raging around us between the followers of Christ against the unseen spiritual forces of evil (Ephesians 6:12). Although many authors and books seek to describe this warfare, the best place to start and finish is in the Bible. If you are a Christian, the Bible is your weapon as a “sword of the Spirit” who is within you. Don’t go unarmed into battle, cite the Scripture with your lips and with your life.

Ephesians 6:16–17 “In all circumstances take up…the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God”
"Do not pretend you want to be led into truth if you will not bother to study the whole Word of God." William Gurnall

What about Ouija boards? Voodoo dolls? Horoscopes? Palm reading? Séances? Mediums? Mystics? Incense? Crystals? New age medicine? Tarot cards? Psychics? Fortune Tellers? Witchcraft? Eastern religious practices (therapies/massages, yoga, reiki)? Trances? Dowsing (water witching or divining)? Hypnosis? Trances?

These are real religious objects and activities that do not honor God. There is no neutral territory in this universe. God is actively and patiently showing you His love and truth through the Bible and genuine Christians. Satan is actively seeking to keep you away from a sincere devotion to God and uses many “new age” and “paranormal” routes to gain your trust, attention, and worship. Listen to God’s many biblical warnings on these idolatrous and demonic practices.

1 Corinthians 10:21–22 "You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons. Shall we provoke the Lord to jealousy? Are we stronger than he?”

"Every ignorant soul is the willing slave of Satan." William Gurnall

Is it ok to watch paranormal movies and TV shows? Read books and blogs? Is there any harm in Zombies? Pokémon? Cartoon witches? Avatars? Vampires? Werewolves? Should Christians “celebrate” Halloween?

Sometimes we face complicated decisions that are best left up to Christian conscious. We should study God’s Word, evaluate our motivations, consider the potential impact on our Christian obedience and witness, and prayerfully seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

If a Christian finds peace about participating in Halloween activities, they must use wisdom. Many faithful Christians have a clear conscience about participating in certain Halloween activities by taking with precautions about their destinations, costumes, and behaviors. Some believers see Halloween as a wonderful witnessing opportunity in which their neighbors and strangers will visit their homes or community outreach events (Galatians 5:13 and 1 Peter 2:16).
1 Corinthians 10:23–24 “All things are lawful,” but not all things are helpful. ‘All things are lawful,’ but not all things build up. Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor.”

What if I am just a “normal Christian”? Does this subject really affect me? Am I safe from all of this paranormal and demonic stuff? How can I prepare for future...Spiritual Attacks? Mental Attacks? Physical Attacks? Marriage Attacks? Parenting Attacks? Workplace Attacks? Church Attacks? How can I live with ongoing struggles and suffering? What if Satan doesn’t leave me alone? The lessons of Halloween carry over throughout the year. Everyday we all face spiritual battles where “we do not wrestle with flesh and blood” (Ephesians 6:10-20). We must daily prepare as we go into spiritual battle. As we mature in our faith, our perspective and passions may change or grow regarding the details of Halloween. May we seek to use our Christian freedom in ways that honor Jesus and share His light with a dark and dying world. May we live with joy in our salvation and move forward with bold courage against Satan and his demons!

Luke 10:17 “The seventy-two returned with joy, saying, ‘Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name!’”

Want a free resource about spiritual warfare in the early church? To find summaries of some of Neil Anderson’s most important works? To pick up a Bible reading plan for 2023? Then please visit for some of my free e-books and writings.

Halloween (Part 1): The Silly and The Serious

by Jonathan Carl

What goes through your mind when you think of Halloween? Costumes, tricks, treats, haunted houses, decorations, parties, or movies?

Halloween is full of all sorts of activities that many people enjoy and celebrate.  It has become a highly commercialized holiday that is given a lot of attention and resources.  The practices surrounding Halloween should cause Christians to ask important spiritual questions.

Here are some frequently asked questions we should consider…

Is demonic possession real? What can a demon do to me? Can the devil or a demon make me do something I don’t want to do?

Yes, demonic possession is real.  Demons can tempt, attack, and live within humans.  Satan already controls everyone who is not born again with Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.  While not every unbeliever is possessed by a demon, demonically-possessed humans sometimes evidence (manifest) the presence of demons in supernaturally scary ways.

2 Corinthians 4:4 “the god of this world [Satan] has blinded the minds of the unbelievers”

Can a Christian be possessed by a demon? “Demonized”? “Have” a Demon?

No. If someone truly repents from sin, treasures Jesus more than anyone or anything, and trusts in Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection, then they are saved and in-dwelt by God’s Holy Spirit (Romans 8:1-11, 1 Corinthians 3:16).  A genuine believer cannot be possessed or controlled by a demon since Jesus is in them through the Holy Spirit.  Believers can be tempted and deceived by demonic spirits and influences. Christians have personal responsibility for their actions, inactions, and beliefs and accordingly must “take every thought captive to obey Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5).

2 Corinthians 13:5 “Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you fail to meet the test!”

Can a Christian be harassed by a demon? Oppressed? Attacked?

Yes. As one example, we know that the apostle Paul was attacked and harassed by a demon.  We do not always know the specifics of why demons attack true believers. We do know that if we dependently seek God in these seasons of attack, He will strengthen and grow us (2 Corinthians 12:9-10, 1 John 4:4).

2 Corinthians 12:7 “a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger [angel] of Satan to harass me, to keep me from becoming conceited.”

Can someone be a Christian and their life not demonstrate real change?

No.  True believers always evidence a changed life through the fruit of God’s Holy Spirit (Matthew 13:19-23, Galatians 5:16-24, 1 John).  Genuine Christians are not perfect but will manifest a decreasing pattern of sin and an increasing pattern of righteousness.  May you be able to look backwards and see God’s progressive work on your life and look forward to how He will continue to mature you as you seek Him in spirit and truth.

1 Peter 5:8 “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.”

As you see scary or silly Halloween costumes, decorations, and advertisements may you be reminded that this is not simply a pretend subject.  Our spiritual state matters.  Satan and his demons are on the prowl, seeking to deceive and destroy us.  If you are not yet a Christian, why would you wait another day to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior?

If you are a Christian, have confidence that God is with you and in you.  Do not fear.  Put on the full armor of God daily and be like Paul, seeking to “boldly proclaim the mystery of the gospel” everywhere you go. (Ephesians 6:10-20)

1 John 4:4 “Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”

Want a free resource about spiritual warfare in the early church?  To find summaries of some of Neil Anderson’s most important works? To pick up a Bible reading plan for 2023? Then please visit for some of my free e-books and writings.

The Wicked Web We Weave

The Wicked Web We Weave

By Machelle McDowell

October 13, 2022

2 Kings 12 & 2 Chronicles 24

Before this sticky web is weaved, let’s rewind just a bit and get a handle on some of the threads that created this tragic story that led Joash to his final lair….assasination?

Joash’s father Ahaziah was king of Judah. He was killed by the king of Israel, Jehu.

Athaliah, who was the mother of Ahaziah evidently a heartless opportunist, (we will call her the black widow), killed off all of the royal family line that she could find in Judah in order to secure the throne for herself! Wow! What a bloodline.

There was one saintly relative in this brood, Aunt Jehosheba. Aunt Jehosheba took baby Joash and hid him in the temple from his grandmother! The “black widow” had a  sister that demonstrated grace and rescued young Joash and his nurse. The threads in the life of Joash were being weaved from the very beginning of his life.

Joash remained hidden for (6) years and was basically raised by a Godly Priest, Jehoiada.  When Joash turned 7, Jehoiada revealed him to the captains of the guards.

Why the age of 7? The Bible does not elaborate. Maybe, the priest could not take the behavior of the black widow in charge any longer?  Jehoiada brought Joash out into the public and anointed the rightful king of Judah. The captains of the guards were instructed to protect the temple and the king at whatever cost.

What happened to Mamaw? It did not go well for her. She was furious to say the least and accused them all of Treason. But, at the hand and guidance of Jehoiada, the black widow was captured, removed, and killed.

The people were so happy to hear the news. Apparently, Mamaw was not liked very well and led Judah down a pathway of idol worship. Idol worship was the first priority that Jehoiada addressed with Joash, (and I am sure he had advisers to help out with decision making).

Jehoiada, the Priest made a covenant with the Lord, the king (Joash), and the people that they would tear down the temple of Baal and that they would be the Lord’s people.

The webs of our lives in which we live are woven together by life experiences and choices made along the way. Joash was blessed to have been raised by a Godly man who instilled a fear of God and mandated worship and praise to a living God before him.

So, when entertained by the idea of tearing down the temple of Baal….Joash does not hesitate to comply at the ripe old age of (7) based on the instruction of a man he trusted and respected….Listen carefully as this thing begins to unravel! How quickly we can be deceived!

Long live the king! Joash became king at age 7. He reigned as king for 40 years. He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord all those years until Jehoiada died. His mentor and Godly friend was gone!  What does this say about Jehoiada?  What does this say about who and what influences us?

Joash’s life took a bad turn after his mentor passed away. He began to listen to wicked advisers and soon was entangled in the web of idolatry once again!  He revived Baal and Asherah worship in Judah! How does this happen to us? How do we find ourselves encapsulated in our own webs we weave? Joash took his eyes off of God and things he knew in his heart about God.

God loved Joash. He tried to get his attention! He sent prophets to warn him. Joash did not listen. His heart was hardened against the things of God. Has this happened to you? Are you in the midst of a deadly web of deceit, right now? Are you listening to the lies of the enemy and being lured into a deadly web?

Finally, one last attempt. How could Joash say “no” to his mentor’s son, the prophet Zechariah? God sends Jehoiada’s son to Joash. Surely he can get through to him?

I can only imagine that Joash probably spent a lot of time with Zechariah growing up? Knowing that Zechariah was brought up with the same beliefs as the man who raised him. The same young boy with a heart eager to please his mentor and his God now carries out the same evil his grandmother displayed years prior. Is it true the apple does not fall far from the tree?

The prophet Zechariah, son of the Jehoiada brought God’s word to Joash, but the king callously ordered the son of his old friend to be stoned to death!! What??

Joash sealed his on death that day.  His reign did not end well. His own officials conspired against him and had him assassinated! I can only assume it was his demonstration of leadership that reflected that of his grandmother years prior?

His second sin weighed heavier than his first, not listening to God’s prophets. He was given a second chance to repent. Ironically, Zechariah was murdered in the same place where his father Jehoiada had anointed Joash King, (2 Chronicles 23:10-11).


Spurgeon said it best, “ All that Joash had done was to give his heart to Jehoiada, not to Jehovah.  It is very easy to be outwardly religious by giving your heart to your mother, or your father, or your aunt, or you uncle, or some good person who helps you to do what is right. You are doing all this out of love to them, which is at best but a very secondary motive. God says,

My son, give me thine heart.”

What a tragic end to a life that could have changed the kingdom of Judah for God.

Friends there are (4) types of spider webs, funnel web, tangled (cobb) web, sheet web, and orb web. Which one are you designing your life more like?

The funnel web- This web is appropriately named as it is shaped like a funnel. Are you funneling your life into God and others?

The tangled web- This web is found in the dark unused spaces in your house. Are you getting tangled into the ways of the world that are dark and hidden that are hindering you from being all God wants you to be?

The sheet web- This is a dense web that is hard to see through. Are you living a life in which you don’t know the difference between what’s right and what’s wrong anymore?

The orb web- The circular shaped web that resembles a wheel leading from the center to the outer edge. Is your life centered on God in a way that it is penetrating outward and touching those around it?

What can we take away from this story?

  • Surround yourself with Godly people.

  • Don’t take your eyes off of the Lord.

  • Stay firmly planted in your faith through intentional study of God’s Word.

  • Imprint Romans 12:2 on your mind and heart- Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Praying for you, friends!

Have a Glass of "O"

Is your glass half full or half empty?

By: Machelle McDowell

October 4, 2022 (Revised)

2 Timothy 1:16

May the Lord grant mercy to the household of Onesiphorus, for he often refreshed me and was not ashamed of my chains.

Are you a Onesiphorus? Or do you have a Onesiphorus? A What???

Onesiphorus is not a what, but a who!

Paul had a friend that the Bible doesn’t say much about, but what is said spoke volumes about him! His name was Onesiphorus.

I picture him as one of those friends you could depend on that  didn’t ask if you needed a hug, he just knew.

A friend that breathed life into Paul’s spirit when he felt depleted, anxious, and weary. A friend that refreshed Pau’s very soul and did it often! That was Onesiphorus!

Is you glass half full or half empty? You might ask, “What do you mean by that?”

I think of Onesiphorus was a person with a glass half full!  Let’s call it, the glass of “O”.

He looked for ways to refresh others! He was positive, joyful, encouraging, and consistent. 2 Timothy 1:16 says that, “O” often refreshed Paul!

We could all use a tall drink of “refreshment.” The definition of refresh is: to give strength or energy; to reinvigorate.

We don’t want to partake of the of cup half empty. Woe is me, always seeing the downside. The negative Nancy sinks to the bottom of the glass and drowns in her own dismay, taking others alongside her.

The enemy is causing havoc in our world. We can look at it with our glasses half empty or half full! Not to make the situation any less serious, but we must learn to accept what we cannot change, change the things we can, and have the wisdom to know the difference, keeping in mind, we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength.

We can certainly decide what glass we are going to drink from . I choose the glass of “O.” The glass half full!

I would like to challenge all of us to become a Onesiphorus! Let’s refresh one another often! We need each other.

Call or text (10) random people each day for the next (30) days and pray for each one! Share your favorite scripture with them or just tell them how much they mean to you! Be a Onesiphorus!

Let’s learn to listen for God’s still voice in the midst of the chaos.

If each of us look out for the other! “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves, let each of (us) look not only to his own interest but also to the interests of others.” Phil 2: 3-4.

Be a glass of refreshment today for someone! Be a Onesiphorus!