Meology or Theology?

Meology or Theology?

By Machelle McDowell


I was listening to an interview recently of Daniel Lawrence Whitney AKA “Larry the Cable Guy.” He is a well know stand up comic who does not shy away from sharing his faith with an audience. He made mention of a term I had never heard before, “Meology.”  He made reference to our society today and how everything revolves around me, me, me.

Little did I know, meology is a real thing! Meology is a theology that is only me-deep…. (me) being the focus and God second. Sound familiar?

Even our greatest attempts to love God are weak in comparison to His love for us. Have you ever noticed when we point up to Jesus we have (3) fingers pointing back at us? We can’t help ourselves!

It is very difficult to tame the selfish nature within us to put God first instead of last. The biblical order of things: God first and others second….where does that put me?

Someone once said, “Put God first and you will never be last.”

“As God is exalted to the right place in our lives, a thousand problems are solved all at once.”-A.W.Tozer

Theology summed up, means the study of concepts of God. Sounds simple, right? Like most things we make it complicated by adding in our feelings, opinions, and emotions. Suddenly, it becomes more of meology.

A true theologian studies the Bible for what it is- 2 Timothy 3:16-17 “All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.listen to this next verse “that the man of God man be complete, equipped for every good work.

It is not about what we think or feel it should be or say. We are all guilty of putting God in a box he just doesn’t fit in!

We lean on the side of heresy when we twist the truths in the Bible into a different meaning to justify a sin or a behavior that is evident in our lives….Meology.

If the Bible is meant to train us in the way of righteousness it is not always going to be about “feel good” passages but scriptures that cut away the unhealthy parts of us that prevent us from being all we can be.

Blaming God for my failures/weaknesses is like blaming my mixer when my cake flops. They are both examples of my own doing! Theology is meant for us to study the scriptures and to know God and His will for our lives. 

Theology is a beautiful thing when we focus on the “Thee” and not the “me.”