A Fly on the Wall

By Machelle McDowell

A Fly on the Wall

By Machelle McDowell

Matt 1 & Luke 2

I would love to have been a fly on the wall when Jesus was born. To have witnessed the greatest miracle of all time through the eyes of a fly at a 360 degree view would have resulted in not missing a thing! Granted, flies don’t have perfect vision, but close! 

To see the hustle and bustle of the animals in the stable as they readjusted their sleeping quarters to make room for the unusual guests. That these animals would hold such an honor. To be present at the birth of Jesus and to be made mentioned each time the sweet story of his birth is told. Ironic, in the order of creation, the animals were created before man…just saying, (just something to think about when we think more highly of ourselves than we should), LOL. 

Joseph rustling the hay to make a bed suitable for his wife to bring his first born son into the world. In the background the cows snorted as they spilt their grain into the trough and the donkey braying in disgust as he was pushed out of his cozy pen into a less favorable spot.

To watch Joseph scan the premises for anything and everything to make their stay more comfortable. I’m sure the thoughts that ran through both of their heads were as jumbled as plate of spaghetti. 

The questions they must have asked one another. “I thought we were favored by God,” Mary must have asked? Mary anxiously concerned for where the baby was to be birthed and how? Her skin probably itched from from hay pricking her through the thin blanket that served as her mattress. The king of all kings is to be born in a barn? So many thoughts? So many questions?

Her first child and all of the uncertainties that go along with it consumed her. As she is breathed deeply to manage her birthing pain only to inhale the scent of urine and manure presented her as she shared her sleeping space with barn animals. 

Did Gabriel’s words of comfort rest on her heart and mind? Did she take stock in his promise, “Mary, The Lord is with you,” “Do not be afraid, you have found favor with God.”  Did she feel favored at that moment? She is in a stable with stale hay and covered by a dust blanket for warmth.

Joseph, must have felt anguish that his first born child was being born in a barn, even though he knew the child was the son of God, he was responsible for his well being on earth. He was assigned the role of earthly father. A role that nearly drove he and his betrothed apart.

The book of Luke 2:19 speaks of Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. I am certain, Joseph did as well, even though scripture does not speak of his pondering. 

This birth was not like any other. It represented the beginning of reconciliation of man to God because we could not come to God on our own, but through this baby, laid the foundation that shook the world and all that is in it. 

The Savior of the world in such a tiny package. Jesus born in Bethlehem. “For God so loved the world that He gave his only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life”. John 3:16 
When Jesus was born, Mary wrapped him in cloth and laid him in the manger. 

And, let’s not forget some of the other strange guests that came to the less than desirable maternity ward that evening to visit the Messiah in the stable! 

First to hear the news heralded by angels, was the Shepherds in their fields. “Don’t be afraid, I bring you good new of great joy that will be for all the people, “today, a Savior has been born; He is Christ the Lord.” 

The shepherds talked among themselves, “Let’s go see this baby”.  Why the shepherd? The lowly shepherd was chosen to come see the baby, first. 

Another form of irony? Jesus was and is the greatest shepherd! Takes one to know one?? Just struck me odd that the shepherd showed up at the stable to worship, “THE SHEPHERD.” 
O, what a glorious night! 

The other benefit of being a fly on the wall that night would have been that a fly can see in all directions and that allows them to navigate while also being on the lookout for danger.

The enemy Satan lurked outside that well protected humble stable the night our precious savior was born. Prowling around like a lion in search of a kill. But, Gabriel’s words rang true, “Mary, the Lord is with you,” “Do not be afraid, you have found favor with God.” 
My friend, If you know this Jesus I speak of, this promise is true for you too, “The Lord is with you.”