Have you ever had the wool pulled over your eyes?
The Veil
By Machelle McDowell
Are you familiar with the saying, “The wool has been pulled over your eyes!” What does that even mean? According to our trusty Google Gurus, the term is from the 1800s and means to fool or lie to someone and get away with it through deception and trickery! Wow! I totally get this! Satan has a way of pulling the wool over our eyes, doesn’t he?
I am reminded of the transformation of Paul in Acts chapter 9! The enemy had pulled the wool over Pauls’s eyes for so long and then in Acts 9 his conversion experience displays the blindness brought on by Satan was now being exchanged with a new type of blindness!
Paul is blinded by the grace of God in a sense! The veil of sin had been torn in two and he fell to the ground in response to God’s holiness and when he stood, he was blinded in a good way!!
Daniel chapter 10 makes reference to “the veil” being lifted and allowing the Christian to see the unseen. Paul could hear God clearly but could not see him. His eyes were “veiled” in blindness for 3 days.
Exodus 26:33 says, “The veil shall be a divider between the holy place and the holy of holies.” Interestingly, the veil was a final door to pass through to enter into the presence of God into the holy of holies in the temple before the New Covenant. But, even then there were stipulations. It is my understanding, you could not enter if you were not a priest and he could only enter once a year on your behalf on the day of atonement! Wow!
This veil was to remind us that we are excluded because we have all sinned and fall short. Praise God for providing Jesus to atone for our sin!
He bore our sin and we don’t need any other sacrifice! Jesus made it possible for us to come to God ANYTIME on our own! When the veil tore in two after his death in the temple, it was like the doors of heaven opened and welcomed us all into his presence if we would only choose!
Unbelievers walk this earth wearing a veil over their eyes, like Paul! It keeps them from seeing or experiencing God and His power. It keeps them from the holy of holies.
Did God allow Paul to remain in darkness for 3 days to show him His Sovereignty? I tend to think so. Here is a Christian hater turned Apostle!
Only the power of God can do such a miracle. And only by this power was the veil torn from Paul’s eyes.
I think, God wanted Paul to experience the holy of holies! And in those (3) days of waiting, a great work was done in Paul.
In essence, God raised Paul from the dead…the spiritually dead! Significantly enough, Jesus remained in the dark tomb for (3) days before his resurrection!
Believers, we are not exempt! We too tend to wear veils over our eyes at times, even after God tears the veil of sin from our eyes and salvation is experienced. We have vulnerable moments.
Sometimes, we allow our own thinking and opinions to form that do not align with the Bible, but yet, like the old cliche, Satan pulls the wool over our eyes and we are deceived.
We wear the wool proudly until God has enough and brings us to our knees.
It is so precious when God’s truths tear the veil away and we see Him clearly.
Has the wool been pulled over your eyes, friends? Are you carrying around some secret sin or twisting God’s word to fit your lifestyle? Don’t let the enemy have the victory of placing a veil of confusion, disbelief, discouragement on you!
The veil was torn for us! God loved us that much. Jesus died that we might live! We can experience the holy of holies! It is available for everyone no matter what sin is relevant in your life.
My prayer for all of us today is that God remove any blindness that is keeping us from Him! Either through a need for salvation or for the Christian who has allowed the enemy to place the wool over their eyes and is leading them in the wrong direction.
Don’t let the wool be pulled over your eyes!