Carousels of the Minds

Carousels of the Mind

By Machelle McDowell

Isaiah 26: 3-4 Those of steadfast mind you keep in peace—because they trust in you. 

1 Chronicles 16:11 Seek the LORD and his strength; seek his presence continually!

Most of us spend a lot of time riding on carousels of worry in our minds, going round and round and not getting anywhere but more and more frustrated, anxious, and depressed. 

There is nothing amusing about the carousels that carry negative thoughts of worry in the amusement parks of our minds. 

Most of us spend a lot of time inside our own mind — worrying about the future, replaying the past, and honestly, focusing on things that we can’t change anyway!

Look at what Isaiah has to say about having a mind focused on God!

Isaiah 26:3- “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.”

Here are a few interesting facts I found in regards to carousels:

Fun fact- Did you know that traditionally horses were mounted from the left side? 

In history-This was because most soldiers were right handed and back in the day when wars were fought on horses, soldiers wanted their hand to be kept on their sword. So they would have quick access!! 

If only we would heed this tradition? What is our sword Christians? The Word of God! 

Each horse on the “carousel of worry”  in our minds represents anxiety, fear,depression and the list goes on. 

Up and down, round and round, do all of these emotions/conditions take us for a ride that is not enjoyable, to say the least, Amusing!

If we arm ourselves with the sword, (the word), we are ready to protect our minds against the attack of the enemy and choose not to hop on a(mental) horse that takes us on a ride to disaster. 

The Carousels of our mind may begin to spin, but it doesn’t mean we have to choose to stay on the ride!

Let us pull our swords and defend our hearts and minds by jumping off the carousels that are not good for us!

When we sense a thought that is going in the wrong direction, call out, “Whoa horse!”

Draw your sword and speak aloud every scripture you can find that brings you peace! That horse will hault! That carousel of negative thinking will stop!

Another interesting fact that I learned! 

They have named the different stances that a horse may be standing in on a carousel! Go figure!

The stance in which a horse is standing firm with all four feet on the ground is called “Standing figures.”

The horses in which their two front feet are in the air and the two back feet are on the ground are called, “Prancers.”

For the sake of our discussion, I want to encourage you to choose the horse that is standing firm on all four legs, if you choose to take a ride!

 It is dangerous to hop on a carousel of worry, but if your mind goes as far as to take a seat, choose a horse that is standing firm and automatically draw your sword to engage in battle with the enemy. Stop it in its tracks!

Use scripture to transform your thinking as Paul instructs us to do in Romans 12:2. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, but by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good, and acceptable and perfect.

In place of worry find a more suitable carousel! One in which encompasses faith! 

Not all carousels of our minds are bad! Jump onto a carousel that is powered by (8) horses that represents Love, Joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. 

These fruits of the spirit circulating in our thoughts will bring spiritual health to our bodies. 

Supposedly, some people in the 19th century recommended riding on carousels and stated that by doing so it helped circulation of our blood? 

With that thinking in mind, how therapeutic for us to address the carousels of our minds in a more positive way? So, that we might be vessels that are washed in the blood of Jesus!

Let’s infiltrate our thoughts with things that bring Him glory and prove to Him that we trust in his promises! 

May the carousels of our minds bring glory unto Him!