Have A Glass of "O"

Have A Glass of “O”

Is your glass half full or half empty?

Is your glass half full or half empty?

By: Machelle McDowell

2 Timothy 1:16

May the Lord grant mercy to the household of Onesiphorus, for he often refreshed me and was not ashamed of my chains.

Are you a Onesiphorus? Or do you have a Onesiphorus? A What???

Onesiphorus is not a what, but a who! 

Paul had a friend that the Bible doesn’t say much about, but what is said spoke volumes about him! His name was Onesiphorus. 

I picture him as one of those friends you could depend on that  didn’t ask if you needed a hug, he just knew. 

A friend that breathed life into Paul’s spirit when he felt depleted, anxious, and weary. A friend that refreshed Pau’s very soul and did it often! That was Onesiphorus!

Is your glass half full or half empty? You might ask, “What do you mean by that?” 

I think Onesiphorus was a person with a glass half full!  Let’s call it, the glass of “O”.  He looked for ways to refresh others! He was positive, joyful, encouraging, and consistent. 2 Timothy 1:16 says that, “O” often refreshed Paul! 

We could all use a tall drink of “refreshment.” The definition of refresh is: to give strength or energy; to reinvigorate. 

We don’t want to partake of a of cup half empty. Woe is me, always seeing the downside. The negative Nancy sinks to the bottom of the glass and drowns in her own dismay, taking others alongside her.  

The COVID-19 is running havoc in our world. We can look at it with our glasses half empty or half full! 

Not to make the situation any less serious, but to accept what we cannot change and have the wisdom to change the things we can. 

We can certainly decide what glass we are going to drink from . I choose the glass of “O.” The glass half full!

I would like to challenge all of us to become a Onesiphorus!

Let’s refresh one another often! Use this down time to spend quality time with your God and your family. 

Call or text (10) random people each day and pray for each one! Share your favorite scripture with them or just tell them how much they mean to you! Be a Onesiphorus! 

I hear this often, “Busyness is my worst enemy.”

We have been placed in a time of stillness! Utilize it. Listen for God’s still voice in the midst of the chaos.

If each of us look out for the other! “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves, let each of (us) look not only to his own interest but also to the interests of others.” Phil 2: 3-4.

Be a glass of refreshment today for someone! Be a Onesiphorus!