Heart Matters

Heart Matters

By Machelle McDowell

Focal Passage- Matthew 5:21-26— Anger

Anger is a five letter word that carries a powerful punch, (sometimes physically). Anger can push a person to act out physically and verbally. But, I am more concerned on the internal effects of anger. How does it mess with your mind? What happens to the heart when anger resides long term? It is not good. 

When we ignore anger, it imprisons us. It is sin and we open the cell of our hearts inviting the enemy to have his way. Anger hinders God’s spirit to move freely within us, blocking us from showing his mercies and grace to others, the Bible says, “who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment.” That is serious.

Harboring anger creates an internal battle that affects our whole being when left alone. One of the most unfortunate consequences is that of unforgiveness. It is impossible to forgive when anger resides. Which wins out? Your right to be angry with someone who sinned against you or your Christian duty to show mercy/forgiveness. Jesus chooses mercy/forgiveness. He demonstrates this model that we may mimic in the same way.

Which wins out? Anger or mercy? The squeaky wheel gets the oil. The one that is screaming the loudest in our heads and in our hearts….what is in your heart will eventually come out in some form or fashion…..usually through our mouths.

I am reminded of a baby with colic. Nothing seems to soothe the baby. A hug, a cuddle, a rocking chair session, a bottle, nothing…..the pacifier is useless. The baby cannot be pacified. Anger is like colic, it cannot be pacified either. It has to be diffused by the love of God, but we must be willing to let go of it. 

We are such simple creatures. We tend to hold on to anger with a misguided sense of pleasure. Subconsciously thinking we are punishing the culprit that sinned against us. In essence, we only punish ourselves. The person who sinned against us could care less that we are angry, LOL. 

Jesus made it clear for us. A matter of fact, He emphasized it “twice”, “For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of”…(Matt 12:34 & Luke 6:45). I am a visual person so My mind immediately pictures a hot water kettle. Inside the water begins to boil and builds up a pressure the container can no longer hold…….it spews steam! Sound familiar?

We tend to hurt everyone around us with our words and actions that stem from an angry heart. The heart matters!

Jesus considers it far better to be reconciled with your brother than to perform a religious duty. He says it is always your turn to seek restoration. Ouch! That is hard on the old pride isn’t it? 

Grant it, we are not to put up with abuse, but we are to show love and forgiveness. We tend to think by turning the other cheek, you lose. The truth is, you win! Your not saying you give up, but that you are going to let God fight your battle.

You win by demonstrating an action that can only come by the hand of God! Only God can quench an angry heart and lead it to the fruits of the spirit.  What a way to glorify Him! 

What if we were only angry about the things that angered God? This is a righteous anger. Things that break God’s heart: child abuse, porn, racism, homosexuality, a lengthy list that could fill this page. Our anger over issues that break God’s heart should ultimately bring others to know and love God. 

One way to handle anger is to not hold onto it but to pray for the person who angers you. Pray that God change the anger into love for that person…it is called grace. 

A prayer I sometimes pray is for God to help me love that person the way He loves them. This may sound impossible for you to consider in your situation. If that is what you are thinking, there is a good possibility anger has a stronghold on your heart and only God can release that kind of hold, my friend. 

Let’s stop retaliating when we are angry.  When we don’t hit back, the other side usually stops, (LOL). Turning the other cheek just means your are turning toward a Father on your behalf.

The heart matters. What is hanging around in yours?