The Carpenter

The Carpenter

By Machelle McDowell

Focal Passage: Mark 6:1-6

Have you ever given much thought as why God chose his son to be an earthly carpenter’s son? Why not a fisherman’s son or a Tanner’s son? Why not a doctor or a writer? 

Scripture implies Jesus was a carpenter’s son, (mentioned in Mark 6:3). He would have followed in the family business. More than likely his earthly father, (Joseph), taught him the trade? 

Jesus is teaching in the synagogue in this passage and people are amazed at his words. At the same time they insinuate (rudely) that he is an uneducated carpenter’s son. They are unaware of the famous quote of Theodore Roosevelt, “A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education,” end quote, LOL

Being a carpenter in Biblical days was apparently a little different than being a carpenter in our society today. It is my understanding that Joseph & Jesus would have been more like civil engineers than what we think a carpenter is like today? Designing and supervising projects as they shared an eye for detail. Possibly more projects working with stone than wood? Probably one in which was mastered through hands on experience? Just something to ponder on.

Don’t you find it interesting that our God that created the world in intricate detail used that very attribute, “creativity” as his son’s means of making a living during his earlier years on earth before surrendering to the ministry… God’s son, the builder!

He is building His church. Drawing in those that are making up the kingdom of God. Utilizing all of the gifts and attributes He has designed for each of us. Psalm 139, (my favorite Psalm), goes into great detail of how we are designed and created in our mother’s womb! Knitted together based on God’s blueprint for our life! And…it gets better!
He has gone to prepare a place for all of His saints, (John 14:3)! The new Jerusalem is being prepared for the day of glory! Jesus, the carpenter, the son of God is building His church, a new heaven, and a new earth! Wow! Wouldn’t you like to see the blueprint of that? 

Jesus may have been rejected in Nazareth in our passage today, but Psalm 118:22 points to Him as our capstone! “The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.” The cornerstone marker in which all other stones will be set! Praises!

Is Jesus, the builder of your life? Do you have a place reserved in the kingdom of God.

What are you building your house upon today? I love the lyrics of this children’s song: “The wiseman builds his house upon the rock.”

The lyrics speak much wisdom in how important our foundations are. Listen to these simple but profound words of wisdom in this song:

The wise man built his house upon the rock and the rains came and the floods came but the house stood firm. 

Then, it goes on to mention the man who built his house upon the sand and the rains came tumbling down and the floods came up and house on the sand went crash.

Is your house in order? Is Christ your cornerstone? Is he your rock? Or are you sinking in sand?

Maybe you have questions today about your salvation? Check out these resources for more answers!

In Christ,

Machelle McDowell