You are not alone!
Philippians 1: 12 “I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel.”
I don’t think any of us would have thought 2020 would have introduced a worldwide pandemic in that we are all experiencing some sort of definition of “isolation.”
We are Isolated from so many things we find to be, “the normal.” Our jobs, our families, our friends, our activities. It is almost like God said, “Pump the brakes on life as you know it.”
This very thing happened to Paul! Paul is going about his business of spreading the gospel, planting churches, discipling Christians and leaders and all of the sudden, God said, “Pump the brakes!”
Paul finds himself imprisoned. Isolated from his normal lifestyle. And, Paul responds by saying,
“I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel.” What?!
Is this our response to Covid-19? Do we see our isolation as an opportunity to advance the gospel?
Paul is saying here, that no matter what our circumstances might be, make the best of it! Use it to bring glory to God.
Our faith can shine in the midst of the darkness in all of this! Here are a few ways to advance the gospel in the midst of isolation:
Demonstrate Trust
We know God instructs us many times to not be anxious! We can certainly be concerned without having anxiety. What a witness to those around us than to demonstrate trusting God.
What does that look like?
Not but a couple of chapters over in Philippians is one of my favorite verses about anxiety!
Philippians 4:6-7
Don’t be anxious, but in everything in prayer and petition with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God that transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Contact people, pray with them on the phone. Text people and let them know they are not alone. Offer words of encouragement by using scripture. Point to Jesus! Model Jesus!
What better way to lead someone to Christ than to lead through example?
Show Love and Care
God’s greatest commandment is to love Him and love others! We should care deeply for people in a time like this. Reaching out and going beyond to meet the needs of hurting folks.
We should celebrate the joys and recognize God’s blessings amongst the darkness around us.
We should weep with the hurting and let them know, they are not alone. Demonstrate a deep love and concern. When we love others with all of our heart; they know it.
Love can break through all kinds of walls and reach the center of a person’s heart. It is there they will meet God!
Share Hope
There comes a time when we have to actually “share” the gospel with our words. We all have people in our lives that need to hear the gospel. There is no better time than now to share God’s truths with people!
The world is in a position to hear! We are physically isolated and out of fear of the unknown are searching for answers! Now is the time!
Christians, we have the answer! Share It! Paul says in Philippians 1:14 “Let us be bold enough to share it and proclaim the gospel without fear.”
Speak truth!
Dear friend, I love you, but God loves you more! He sent his son to die on a cross to provide a way for you and me to come to the Father. It is the only way. It provided forgiveness. He was buried in a tomb for (3) days and conquered death! He arose and is alive! He has gone to prepare a place for His saints to be with him eternally. Do you believe this hope? Do you believe this truth?
Believe in Him today! You will never feel isolated again! We are not alone, friends!