There is More to the Story

There is More To The Story

By Machelle McDowell

Glorify God!

Glorify God!

I Corinthians 6:19-20 Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God?  You are not your own. You are bought with a price. Glorify God in your body.

Our body is a temple? The Holy Spirit resides in us? if you are a born again believer, you were bought with a price……………, but there is more to the story!

We use our body for everything under the sun, but for what it was originally designed for: To make much of Him! Our actions demonstrate the opposite. 

We make much of us. It is seen clearly through our wants, our desires, our pleasures, our entertainment, and the list goes on of ways that we try to fulfill self. Not with the intention of glorifying any one, but ourself and certainly not God.

We were bought with Jesus’ blood as a ransom for our sin. A high price was paid!  God loved us so much that He knew the only way to bring us to himself was through a perfect sacrifice, His one and only son. 

It is no surprise to me the magnitude of the Corona Virus? How else to capture the attention of a world that idolizes themselves than to put a halt to the things that hold us captive? Doesn’t it make you wonder?

Harsh? Is it? Let’s be honest. Since our country has come to a halt, and this war with Covid-19 is running rampant, people are recognizing just how out of control we really are? God is our only hope.

  • Could it be, God is trying to show us that we love “things” more than the things of God? We are addicted to the world more than we want to admit?

  • Could it be, God wants us to trust him in that we don’t have to fear death? Jesus conquered death and gives us eternal life! There is nothing to fear if you are a born again believer. To die is gain! To be in the presence of the almighty creator and King of all Kings!

  • Could it be, the inner strength that we rely on is our own? Are we truly trusting in the God of the universe who controls this whole mess? 

We serve a “Savior!” A risen Savior, who saved the world by becoming an escape goat for us! He carried the sins of the world on his body that we might be set free from the chains and bondage of a destination we all deserve….Hell. 

He shut the doors of Hell for the believers and opened the doors to eternity with him in heaven forever! Amen! This is the rest of the story!!

Church, we have been bought and we are not our own. It is time we stop living for the world and start saving people from the world. Point them to Jesus! 

We are living in a pandemic. Point people to the Savior. Our hope lies in Jesus Christ and him alone. Be the temple of the Lord and glorify God.

Let’s stop putting our faith in this world, it is all temporary. Here today and gone tomorrow. Jesus is forever. 

That is the rest of the story! (Paul Harvey’s famous line).