The Love of a Shepherd
The Love of a Shepherd
By Machelle McDowell
What do you call 100 sheep rolling down a hill? A lamb-slide…LOL. Sorry, just thought that joke would be an appropriate lead in to my blog this week….maybe not?
I spent some time recently in Luke 15. I couldn’t move past the parable found in verses 1-7. Jesus was being condemned for hanging out with tax collectors and sinners. But in His unique way of making a point, he shared the parable of the lost sheep.
He began by asking the Pharisees, “If you had 100 sheep and one went astray, would you not go after it and leave the 99?” I love this! This is what God does!
He loves “ewe!”…..sorry again, It is addicting, LOL
Jesus demonstrated in this story the love of God. Jesus continued to explain how the shepherd would go after the sheep and when it was found the shepherd would throw the sheep over his shoulder and rejoice!
He would be so thrilled that upon his return the shepherd would tell everyone about how he found the lost sheep!
Why was I hung up on this beautiful parable? And what does it mean? It dawned on me. This is my testimony! I was the lost sheep. I ran from God for so long but He continued to pursue me!
There is a common eye disease among sheep known as “Snow blindness.” It is a bacterial infection that can cause cloudy vision or loss of sight. There was a time in which I definitely had this condition!
I had been blinded long enough! The devil had done a real snow job on me. He had persuaded me that I was enough! Who needed God? I was the only person I could trust in my life. Lies from hell sometimes consume us.
God sent many (shepherds) into my life to be His hands and feet and help lead me into the fold. I am so thankful and grateful for the many people who prayed for me and witnessed to me about Jesus. God never abandoned me because of my ignorance or my blindness to his presence.
God has been pursuing us from the beginning of time! It all began in the garden of Eden! Adam & Eve sinned and instead of running to God…they ran from him. Sound familiar?
They hid themselves from him, so they thought. What did God do? He came looking for them! “Where are you?, he asked., (knowing exactly where they were). He knows our hearts. We cannot run from God.
He came looking for me and used his earthen vessels to share His heart, His thoughts, His love, and He is looking for you too!
I remember vividly the day Jesus found me and threw me over his shoulder and carried me into the flock!
I accepted Him as my Lord and Saviour (Shepherd) at age 21. I had been running and hiding for many years. I wasn’t looking for God, but He never took his eyes off of me.
There was rejoicing in heaven that day according to scripture! Listen to verse 7: “There will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than the 99 righteous persons who need no repentance.” A little further into Luke 15 in verse 10- “There is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” Hallelujah!
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. John 10:27
Do you know the voice of the shepherd? Are you the sheep hiding in the crevices? Are you running from God? He is looking for you today!
I would love to tell you more about my shepherd! My Lord! My Saviour! He can be your shepherd…your Lord….and your Saviour!
Feel free to contact me via Facebook Messenger or through our church website: Simply fill out the form under “Contact Us” and I will respond however you request, either by phone or email.
Praying that God has impressed upon your heart how very important you are to him!